guess i should leave a rewiev
(its been like half a year since my last one, so I might be a little rusty)
alright then, lets start with the graphics and stuff, what could have been improved are: in the beginning, and later in it, the wrist, thumb and elbow is seperated with a line, but one of the arms doesn´t have that line by the elbow, also the lines are not always straight, and the "missing line" I talked about has a small edge sticking out(but it might make it look better, I havent seen it without the lines so I cant possibly know), and the lightning is just terrible, looks like something out of arfenhouse -.- . oh yeah, just noticed that the reflections from the light reflects on different sides of the eyes, and that the bars on the windows are missing on his second attempt to escape.
there was no problem with the sound and music you chose(apart from the "screech" that was a bit to long if you ask me), but you could have added a few sound effects, like some kind of electrical effect when he bleeds
overall, I thought it was quite good, even though it had a lot of flaws, end score 7/10 and a vote of four, I will try to see the final remake, but I will probably forget it in like 3 days :\