Good idea buuuut....
Hey, this was a good cute idea. But it only makes me giggle in the fact that you SLOWED YOUR VOICE DOWN LIKE THAT. If you REALLY want it to be that low. MAKE THE TONE LOWER. Not slower. :3 I hope I've helped somehow....
Here it s the Christmas Episode of Penguin Life, right on christmas day too :)
Alot has happened during the making of this film, that's why it's in so late..
well, the 6th episode has already been started and should be out around January.
i hope you got what you wanted for Christmas, so have a good one.
Good idea buuuut....
Hey, this was a good cute idea. But it only makes me giggle in the fact that you SLOWED YOUR VOICE DOWN LIKE THAT. If you REALLY want it to be that low. MAKE THE TONE LOWER. Not slower. :3 I hope I've helped somehow....
like how you got your own lil mini series going lol wif penguins haha, i recon it could be better if you improved the voice acting and the animation. and maybe add some more humor, and gthe story seems to be so slow, mayb try increating frame rate? maybe i dunno but keep it up and yeah meery xmas :) and a happy new year
good movie but.....
8 of 10 it could use better quality sound