hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahhahhhhahhhahhahhahhahhhhhhhhhhahhhhhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahahhaahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha beautifull hahahahahahah
Asymmetrical co-op puzzle platforming designed for one or two players.
Was meant to be the first world of ten, but this was all that got made.
Probably the most-played game of all of ours.
Use the mouse and keyboard to play.
Detailed instructions are available in-game.
i never made more than the first episode of this but i guess it wasnt bad for something a friend and i crapped out as teenagers. i still kinda am in disbelief that it got front page!! that awful ripoff of that super paper mario puzzle, though; oof!
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahhahhhhahhhahhahhahhahhhhhhhhhhahhhhhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahahhaahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha beautifull hahahahahahah
When will be out Episode 2?
Its funny, challenging, and can make the think out of you!
can someone help me im stuck on 1-7 please help in review form
Awesome Game
It's really fun especially in 2 player mode. Good idea. As for level 3, you need to do the 2nd jump when he's starting to go down after the first jump. Level 1-8 was a bit hard. I searched around for how to do it to no avail. I found out that it's not done with the A+W+1 but the arrow keys. Left + Up + 1.