Lot's of inside jokes..
But I like it overall, it's well made enough. The pace seems a bit slow though, so in the future try and tie things together better. :3
UCX The Movie: Untitled Part 1
Took a while, lot's of breaks taken. In all this should have been finished months ago. But finally, Shnooky and myself have found the time needed for this creation! This is the first installment of the animated series of UCX, originally a sprite comic, now brought to life via Flash.
The audio isn't as great as we would have liked mainly because each person involved lived far away or out of state. Most of the talking WAV files were taken with separate recording devices, so the quality was unchangeable, sadly. But for Part 2 (and so on) we plan to improve everything, including sound quality.
Please stay tuned and we hope you enjoy this Movie involving a handful of characters from UCX. Even though most of them are not famous we still think this is pretty funny. At the end of the credits you may click a button to access short bios about each character you see. There are more people in UCX, however, it would be impossible for me to have used them all with the file size limit.
Love and peace! =P
Lot's of inside jokes..
But I like it overall, it's well made enough. The pace seems a bit slow though, so in the future try and tie things together better. :3
lol its kind of funny
good one
Hey guys, its me Peter, Im micheals friend :P
You guys are pretty good at flash id have to say myself.
The part that made me laugh the most was the dragon ball z part?
micheal was telling me about it, and it did indeed make me laugh.
Good job :P
Thanks a lot man. We appreciate the feedback. =P
I Lurve my ppl! UCX fa LIFE! WOOOOO!!!
Indeed my friend.
This was funny, at parts that I really didn't understand, but it was really funny. The funniest part was when it was the Sonic the Hegechog theme song. Good work by the way.
Haha, thanks! We really appreciate the feedback.