Ok first things first...
the concept of giant robots battling it out seems all to familiar... but putting that aside, the music went well with the theme, I enjoyed the into, setting the seen very well... however you must look at it from a viewers point of view, I don't know what you are talking about when you abbreviate words... meka and machine are words I understand, I know this may be a minor thing but its tucking up the movie that makes it all better, I can see a lot of thought went into this as you are going to make a full length flash
I am never keen on "trailers" for I believe they should not be in the portal, only finished products, thus why there is an alpha space...
the graphics where reasonable, (the anime genera), over use of same symbols stands out, the movement seemed rather two stroke you need to add more frames in the animation on the humans, the robots were done nicely but again they need to be neatened up a lot of ruff edges.
try not to prolong panning *there was a point where the girl was standing facing the wind (there was no animation on the girl/man or grass) and it panned down to the man, it seemed like a long time even if it was not.*
do not think this as been harsh but if I replied like everyone else saying it was fantastic and great, you would not improve it and carry one to make a mundane flash, I think you could do a lot better if you spent more time on it and not trying to get as much done as you can in a short time period...
Work that bit harder, do that extra few fames, make it quicker in places and neaten the whole thing up, let friends or family watch it to show weak points in the movie and then redo parts...
I hope to see future flash animations from you...
legolaSS - [Nitro kitten productions]