i loved the tea scene
Better than the rampage.
Tell me if it is too short and ill lengthen it out.
i loved the tea scene
I commend you
For trying.
Saucy was great from Leisurely Ragtime. He's somewhat cooler in these animations. But getting the Saucy sprites from Krinkels or somewhere else might make this better.
thas good
i liked that, very cool, nice graphics, and many humour in it. i liked that. do it longer, sir!
i actually thought it was quite funny; the tea bit at the end made me chuckle
- but if you made it a bit longer with maybe some more humor during the actual killing it would be a bit better...and you need to work on the graphics coz all the movement is a bit spazzy. so, i like the actual flash; just work on making it smoother and you'll go far!