Looks like you're onto something pretty cool there. Glad you liked the song. I look forward to your finished product.
-Josh Kemp (kelwynshade)
This is my first game, but is only a demo. Want lots of comments about what I can improve about the battle system or graphical improvements. Things that I am still going to improve:
*Complete the first chapter of story mode
*Unlock explore mode
*Add more items to the store
*Add more enemies
Looks like you're onto something pretty cool there. Glad you liked the song. I look forward to your finished product.
-Josh Kemp (kelwynshade)
Thankyou. If it wasnt for your music the game wouldn't be like it is now. I changed the intro slightly and the story i had written so that i could include more of your music. It really inspired me. Your a great songwriter, congrats! Hope you are pleased with the end result and that you feel i did justice to your music.
intro song is fuggin awesome
lookin forward to the updated game!
Thanks a lot. If you like the music check out Kelwynshade, he has done all the music. He rocks!
Very Cool
I know if you add those stuff you listed this game is going to rock! Good job man!
I think it will be a good game too, will just take a while to get everything sorted. Which is why I released this so I could get some feedback from other users before going ahead with any more. And thanks for the good comments!
its ok
well its a nice demo, i realy like the layer shadow thing u use, and the music is a good choise for the game,
i hope to be seeing more moves and maybe special moves. keep up the nice work :)
You will unlock more moves through the game, and i might think about doing special moves, though I hope that the magic ability will cover that. And thankyou for the comments about the graphics!
looks decent
cant wait for the updated version