That was random and funny.
I was sick of working on college apps one day, so instead of investing in my future, I made a flash video.
That was random and funny.
Learn to write imitator
Movie was bad but i still got the mood of it.
Imitator if you're going to tell people to go to college at least learn to write properly damnit!!!!
blam this peice of crap (quote pico)
i know that collage apps suck (even though i dont cos ive either passed them of not yet got to them) but was there much point in wasting your time on a shitty movie about it. like the reveiwer before me: why dont you go to collage and learn to make movies (though i dont thing that theirs a corse for that?
p.s why do americans pronounce cool 'kewl'?
i want answers people!!
You should've worked on your applications...college may teach you how to make better flash movies....
It may be crappy animation, but I love the message. I'm suffering through senior year now, and I've been ankle-deep in applications--literally. (I think I've gotten brochures from 100 colleges. I've already been accepted to one school, but it's not my top choice.) Rock on, man--I've been tempted to do that to some of my own apps.