what the
Dave Thomas dances to some tuneskies!
Our favorite owner of Wendy's retraunt busts a groove to a DDR song.
I'll have to put a seizure warning on this one though.
=D huzzah!
Update: Dave ownz j00! This animation made the papers XD
i saw an article on it in "USA Today"
what the
Wow, this seriously made the papers?! I’m impressed! I admit that I didn’t like this that much. It wasn’t much of an animutation. It just showed the same guy over and over. I still like its energy.
Dave Thomas died awhile after this. Everyone was talking about that for awhile. I doubt it’s related. I liked the Super Smash Bros. background. This just needed to have more characters.
Nice job with this! Seeing Dave Thomas go manic to a DDR song was hilariously awesome.
good job
hahahahahahaha! OMG! THIS IS SO FUNNY!!!!!!!