to the guy below me shut up!!!!!!!! but anyway this was awesome 10/10 and 5/5 you rock
After watching the 300 movie I spoke to myself and said: "Myself...What would have happened if the Spartans had some help in the form of futuristic weapons?" So I made this animation about exactly that. I hope you enjoy and remember I am still a beginner. :)
to the guy below me shut up!!!!!!!! but anyway this was awesome 10/10 and 5/5 you rock
sucked hard
i am gonna blam you foo!!!!
Ha ha ha...
Things I liked about this movie:
1) The date changes from the number '2007' to the words 'Ancient Greece'.
2) The marching song.
and of course
3)' order beer and pizza' lol.
Nice movie and good work. Made me laugh.
Did all the voices yourself?
Heh. Use to wonder about how old battles would turn out had one side had a future weapon advantage. Especially the Alamo. Oh well, guess earth would have turned out totally different.