this little flash was easy to follow and under stand, i love the teensy bit of humor in it. but needs a little improvement.
#Edit: I'd added some new scenes in the trailer to make it more compact and intense. ^^
This is a combine trailer of 2 Star Wars Movies I'm currently working on.
- Clash Of The Sith
- Star Wars: Revelations
Originally i planned to release both by this year, but there are some delays here and there, so i decided to compile both Movies for you guys to preview first. COTS will be completed by this year while Revelations will keep me busy till next year.
COTS is set around the Old Republic Era while Revelations explores the time after the Jedi Purge in Episode 3. For more information you can visit my deviantArt at http://xennethy.deviantar
Music by Immediate Music - Final Omen 2.0
**If you guys are interested/bored you can actually find out/ decode what Darth Nihilus is actually saying... ^^
this little flash was easy to follow and under stand, i love the teensy bit of humor in it. but needs a little improvement.
needs a little improvement though
just whoa. this might be something. i would love to see it
This rules!!
Epic trailer.
I was really impressed with your original character designs they looked damn good along with the variety of scenary & backgrounds also the voice acting and action was also good,excellent job.