Legend man
This is my very first time using sprites, hope it looks good :)
i hope to see feedback on what i did good or what i can do to make it better.
Legend man
Awesome is that a modded mega man sprite?
music is VERY important
when you mae a flash you need background music, or at least a funny story or lots of sounds to cover the music nice job though
It needs
It just needs background music and it's will be a better flash vid
yeah i was looking for the right song but couldn't find it,
not bad but not good
it's alright given you were using sprites and they are hard to use because they are so limited and just plain shitty, that's why people steer away from sprites because there is no real good way to make a movie with sprites, i guess some might be good if you know what your doin' but... here's a site with some street fighter animated gifs that you can fuck around with if you want i've found them useful http://www.newwavemugen.com/~zweifuss /