Mesmo simples, é engraçado
A short Halloween cartoon with 3 sketches.
The 3rd sketch has the characters from a cartoon I was making called "On the Desk". I stopped working on it but you can watch what I did make here:
Mesmo simples, é engraçado
Good Job Bro
Good job Bro entertained me for awhile very random humor like alot of ur animations.
your graphics are definitly improving!
I wasn't sure...
I wasn't sure what to expect! I just hopped on NG and noticed !BAM! that one of my songs was in your 'toon... hmm... I know you said you were going to use it, but I wasn't actually expecting anyone to do so :) Before I even clicked on it I was aprehensive about what type of review I would have to give it, but it turns out I liked it. I have a weakness for dry, understated humor :) Between the boobie-eyes and the humor, I was really reminded of the cartoon Home Movies. Maybe it's just me.
More than anything, I loved the voices.
It was so lame :D and that's why I liked it! Looking forward to more :)
P.S.: I use too many emoticons. It's a bad habit. I'm sorry... :(
Glad you liked it :D Lame is good, if it's the good type of lame.
I use a lot of emotions too in my reviews and posts in the forum :P
twas okay
the art was pretty basic but used well...comedy was a bit "huh?"
not bad i guess but if its gonna be based on comedy at least make good sketches
Erm...kinda lame
I was hoping for funny, but the comic timing was...just...wrong.
Plus, the characters' eyeballs all look like gigantic boobs. Pretty weird.
Voice acting=Weak.
Oh well It's just a cartoon for Halloween, i don't celebrate the hoilday or anything so i don't really care if i have a perfect animation for it or not.
Gigantic boobs eh? that's what my friend keeps on saying to me when I'm drawing them in class :P