Ummmm YEA
its ok buuuuuttttt it had it ups and downs ups wern't high and downs were VERY low sooooooo itssss ooookkkk iguess and i am stretching
Episode 3: Law and Order
I just now realized I didn't use tweens that much, and as a result the movement is very choppy, not sure what I was thinking. The story behind this was that my friends went to a strip club without me so I decided to make about how much not going to a strip club sucks and this is what happened. Also my sister kept whining, asking when she's gonna be in a cartoon, so I added her character just to shut her up.
I hope you enjoy it.
Next episode will be uploaded in mid October.
Ummmm YEA
its ok buuuuuttttt it had it ups and downs ups wern't high and downs were VERY low sooooooo itssss ooookkkk iguess and i am stretching
Keep it going.
I hope this gets tagged onto the front page. Fiver for sure.
Good, But the court session was slow and I nearly fell asleep...
i really enjoyed this flash video, i hope to see more in the near future!
one the side note at the end when their drinking tea make sure their mouths open when drinking or it look unrealistic -2 pts for that but over all it was a funny flash! keep up the good work. :)