Haha watch them how he jump hjaha .D
Hass has gone for a stroll with his favourite handheld gaming console.. But then he drops it behind a fence.
Oh shit.
My second bear cartoon, about a zillion years after the first admittably but ive finally found time to return to flash. It's only short. But hopefully sweet.
Enjoy and leave reviews =)
Haha watch them how he jump hjaha .D
well like it but the ehem
but the music doesnt fit yup and i agree with noodle boy but it's worth it man i wish there were 9.5 well like it 5/5 9.5120
I liked it!
Nice, smooth animation. The only thing that didn't fit was the music.
it was cute and funny ^^ who doesn't love cute animals?
i like hass :D and the end was kinda funny xD good hob