I like the drawings. Not too bad for a first try...
this is the first real flash that i have made, its still kind of a test subject but i learned alot from doing this, so please be gentle.
you can expect alot more from me in the future i am working on a comedy series and a seriouse series and a few other shorts. so remember my name, one day it will be on the front page.
also sorry about the no icon thing, i didnt really know how to make one.
anyways enjoy
______________________EDI T________________________
audio has been fixed it no longer repeats during the credits
I like the drawings. Not too bad for a first try...
Not too good
too short
Not a bad start!
Considering that was just a first tester, that's not bad. Artwork's good.
Try posting something a bit longer next time...
Everyone has a "Mary" at their work. Kinda short dood. Ima look for more from ya.