Well, I tripped balls here. I really enjoy your style of animation for reasons unknown. Turns out the weirder things in life keep me entertained.
Good work.
Blood Vessel ( by Marco Tito) A surrealist space battle, starring a space anti-Hero Vessel. Trust me you'll trip out!
Well, I tripped balls here. I really enjoy your style of animation for reasons unknown. Turns out the weirder things in life keep me entertained.
Good work.
Yeaaah, trippy toon at it's best!
I don't trust you...
You really need to spend more time on the production of these... The ideas are strong and the key drawings are good, but then the actual animation and shot selections are rushed and messy. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but how much better would it be with another week spent polishing it.
if i was hi when i watched this
i would probably be throwing up from all the additional colors if i was on shrooms
It's like a bad acid trip @.@ #$#%%^&U*KIMFNVBJ<