Bad, but every Kitty Krew Parody has a 10 from me!
The title has nothing to do with the movie, even though it does hold true.
This is a short I made because I am sick of Kitty Krew and so are all of you.
I know it is not the best animation, i'm new. Please give it a chance.
James AKA eatp0o
Bad, but every Kitty Krew Parody has a 10 from me!
The KK does eat children.
Just make more, but longer.
i really hate the kitty krew they suck the art work was awsome and i liked the backround i give it a ten
awesome for a beginner
i thought it was good. love the tom poster by the way.
i say dayum
if you are new to flash, GJ man. your artwork is def a plus on this short. next thing to work on is plot... or animation. but good art!