Another great one!
This is fantastic, the bear looks hilarious when he wipes his mouth! :D
Animated test of the program Anime Studio and Adobe Flash 9 along with.
Leonardo Campasso. (19 years old)_ Argentina
Another great one!
This is fantastic, the bear looks hilarious when he wipes his mouth! :D
Muy bueno!
Me encanta la expresión que tiene el "supuesto" oso xD El efecto de rebobinado es sencillamente genial, los movimientos del cuerpo, todo.
En pocas palabras... Simple y efectivo ^^
I was pulled in by the title... [697]
And I stayed for the fun. The fun being.... a smoking, alcohol-swilling, self-igniting(byaccidenting?) bear. He should hook up with BEEBO sometime and have a pot party. I know they'd get along great.
Short, sweet, and really crisp natural beauty, man. Love the backdrop, treets, hills, sunset, all that jazz. You go!
doesn't look much like a bear...
but it was still great movie. "Hardyboyz" just uses that on every subbmission so just ignore him.I liked it, it made me laugh for a while :D
smoke kills really