Pretty good
It was alot like a stick person version of sho fly, but still well made. It's a nice solid flash.
Those things are really annoying in my case. They fly out of nowhere and hover in front of your face. The first thing you might say is 'BWAAAAAH!'... okay, something like that ¬_¬.
Yes, I'm still working on Desktop Fight 2, but I felt like doing this when I ran out of inspiration o_O.
This isn't my best work, I've made better anims in the past, but they're either unfinished, short or corrupt...
Pretty good
It was alot like a stick person version of sho fly, but still well made. It's a nice solid flash.
Graphics shmaphics
Yeah your concept and plot are good and fine, your animation's even got something to it. You really have to work on your graphics though. Seriously
I loved how it had the flight of the bumblbee as the music.