Kinda cute for a "kill x game." Could've been done a little better, like consistency in button size, but I wasn't expecting anything amazing anyways.
A Flash Default Graphic i used
Kinda cute for a "kill x game." Could've been done a little better, like consistency in button size, but I wasn't expecting anything amazing anyways.
^^Good Points^^
I liked the sound in this best. You had good sound effects for each death, and fair animations throughout. Also, some cool stuff.
^^Needs Improving^^
Most of the deaths in this game, however, just felt very generic and boring. Most of the weapons were just very ordinary. Graphics could definitely use an overhaul too.
not good.
Death to mousy!!! HA HA!
This shit's pretty pimpin' man. Although the mouse screaming got pretty annoying...but hey, 'sides that, it's all good.
LOL jesus christ
Some comical shit man. Make more shit like this.