Overall it was a pretty cool game....i was lmao cuz i played on the easy and hard levels and i won both times epicly but i must kinds be good and bad at the same time cuz the easy level scored on me more times than the hard level did >XD
Anyway, here's a tip: When playing on hard, the puck is moving at its fastest pace. If you really want to get an impossible to stop goal on the CPU, try to knick the puck with the very edge of your paddle and if the puck is going fast enough and if its at the right angle, the puck will just fly toward the edges of the CPU's goal and its ipossible for it to be stopped. It wil go in 99% of the time. But dont make the mistake of accidently letting the puck fly past your own paddle when trying to do this trick. I did make that mistake. Like 10 times.
So thats my review for this gamem and by the way, rancidsheep, dont let users get to u when they say shit like: "Oh, pong games suck, you fail, noob!" Cuz THEY are wrong. Pong was the very first type of video game evr to come out. And if it wasnt for games like pong and pitfall, these intnse gamers nowadays wouldnt have their precious other games like Halo and 3D RPG and shit.
This was a good game. I had fun. Games like this make you REALIZE that there is PROOF in the old saying...."Improvement with Age." Good Submission.
- Sincerely,
SuperSayinSeiaryu :)