whats this im earing about free muffins?
anywho nice vid good for a short
ps can i have my muffin now
pps plz
ppss oh and a taco too
pppss plz and thankyes
Well I'm back with another Clockcrew flash. I know what some of you are thingking one person out there will say "OMG! NOOB! WTF YOU SPAMMDED TEH PORTAL! I TALK BADLY WITH SHIFTZ KEY DOWN! NOOBEZ!" or just saying "Aw sweet another Clock Crew flash!" or just saying "I like Halo." Well some people liked my first little flash of CC Halo surprisingly and wanted me to stick with the idea. I did and this came out. Sound is kinda messed for Bananaclock but I cound't fix it.I'd like to thank Rupeeclock once again for showing me how to join the CC, Strawberryclock (the lord and master), and the rest of CC. Oh and I must not forget my mom who's stupid game almost deleted ALL my work on ALL my flash animations or got close to doing so. Anyways enough from me a humble Clockfriend (means I'm not a Clock yet but I'm still in clockcrew) its time you guys wrote a review that will make me giggle, vote 5, and then I will give you a lolipop. And anti-clock crew peoples... just don't waste your time here, you may act like jerks to us CCs but you have a life so go and watch something else please. Thank you. Episode three might also be about the Arbiter.
*Edit* I just reliezed that I spelt Clockcrew wrong in the credits. Last time I do the credits at 3 in the morning lol.
whats this im earing about free muffins?
anywho nice vid good for a short
ps can i have my muffin now
pps plz
ppss oh and a taco too
pppss plz and thankyes
if you give me a muffin
if you give me a muffin i will give you a ten well im giving you a ten anyway so give me my muffin!!
Muffins for everyone!
That was great,you made me lol ed hard.only voices were bad.
Its text to voice from spekonia. Its supposed to be annoying.
lol great
just recomemnded for the clockcrew collection, nice work! ;D
You may now collect your muffin.
Lol nice but yea voices were weird