Really cute game, good for kids. I like the pop ups about winning, losing and cheating. Nicely done. I know its simple but it is aimed at kids.
This is my submission to the Wiggi World competition. It is designed for kids 5-12. The instructions are in the game, but the idea is simple. Both players choose a Wiggy. Each player then takes turns asking questions about the other player's Wiggy. The player who discovers his opponent's Wiggy first wins. Score higher by guessing your opponent's Wiggy quicker. Most of all, just enjoy.
Really cute game, good for kids. I like the pop ups about winning, losing and cheating. Nicely done. I know its simple but it is aimed at kids.
Yeah no bragging that's a good rule
Because bragging is stupid
Now Boasting is fun!
When you beat someone and say "Yeah!! I beat your ass!!"
That's boasting because Boasting = you can back it up
Bragging = Saying something without proof.
Since you did beat them
You're boasting because it's the truth =D
Boasting when a game is won is mandatory!
Why? Because it gets the opponent pissed making them fight you better next time! Or gets them in a blind rage in which they attack you....both are fun though.
nice concept.
its been a wile since i played "guess who" good memories lol.
only issue i have with it is the music, got on my nerves after a wile and may annoy some of the younger audience. maybe add a music chooser with some softer music for the children.
a good suggestion for a later game, how about a 2 player hotseat mode? could be fun for siblings or to play with parents.
That's all I can say! Just fix the music problum when I scrolled down the music stoped for some reason.
your good this game is simple i guessed his wiggi in 1 turn XD i loved it make it super hard!your going 2op