The art flow in this really was smooth the art is simple but you made it work nice job
This will probebly end up being tossed around like and old rag..but i decided to submit it anyways because it basicly gave me inspiration when i found it on my computer. I made this back in the day when i didn't feel graphics mattered in flash, i just did flash for fun..something i haven' t done in the longest time. And just watching this brought back good memories..So for shits and giggles i decided to upload
The art flow in this really was smooth the art is simple but you made it work nice job
Great music video ^^ just wonder but what is the song called?
Its definatly an amazing piece. The flow of the randomness was flawless, and it wasn't confusing random either, Through the whole movie you understand where you are. I'm truly inspired by this movie. If it doesn't make it into the portal, I would like to request a copy of the .SWF file. I defeinatly want to be able to watch this again.
8/10 5/5 ( Awe inspireing, Excellent Audio. Though I would have liked to see more of the first character at the end. Maybe him waking up, just somehting to really tie the movie together. )
It was a video like no other...
At first it seemed stupid..Then I found it more understandable..A view of all perspectives in life...
It had a small amount of humor, and it kept you wondering: What will happen next?
I am definitely inspired.
i liked it at first
i was really enjoying it at the start but it dragged on and the music stopped near the end ypu should have looped it through the whole animation. but other then that i like dit very much. but bought it score down for repetition.