this was ure best work and it is still crappy
end of story
Vegeta becomes Majin Vegeta!
this was ure best work and it is still crappy
end of story
i like dbz...
... so it didn't suck cause it was dbz, it sucked cause it was dbz done badly... i mean, look at some flashes on newgrounds... they're tributes to dbz, and some of the best submissions on here... so... first of all... it was stick... but there's plenty of great stick animations out there... hmmm... let's see... the reason it sucked was it was a scene taken straight from dbz... yet didn't have *any* of the dbz style... ground-breaking (literally), rocks floating into the sky... enormous energy field around the person creating a mini-hurricane swirling around them... that kinda stuff... none of it...
If I had any idea what was going on here...
...Besides the fact that Vegeta was supposedly the main character, I would give you a higher score.
Needs Better graphics
Doesn't do vegeta justice when you make him a stick.
Its ok
Just the lag needs fixing and it would not hurt to add a reply button