awsome lolz
This is episode 2 of the Bank Robbery series that I am creating, (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH EPS. 1 TO UNDERSTAND THIS ONE) and I hope that you will enjoy it as I have worked really hard on making it enjoyable for my lovely audience ;). And do vote fair, and leave reviews aswell!
Dag Ove Solaas
awsome lolz
I'm so adding this to my favorites. Thats one of the funniest flashes i've seen in a long time. Keep up the good work =D
that was funny as hell. who would expect that? one thing was it seemed like forever to get to the point but it was good nonetheless anyways keep up the good work and hope to see some more robberies soon.
Thank you good sir knight
Oh wow.
Fwa-haha! Awesome!
Was NOT expecting that.
Worth every second
I wasn't expecting that. One wonders what the next robbery will be like.
Keep up the good work.
I will!