you honestly think this is funny?
It is a VERY epic movie :))
-I spent 2 weeks on this,and I ended it short,when flash closed on me for no reason...and I lost hours of work.
you honestly think this is funny?
It got pretty funny
tought it was gonna be aother one of the gay michel jokes, but you realy suprised me ^^
keep up the good work, wanna see more of these
good,they are a pleasure making
Poor Animation - Yet Hilarious
I was about to blam this but then I realized it was pretty funny - my favorite is Michael Jackson's Super Soaker scene.
For future flashes, work on animation and you'll get better ratings.
:D thankz
"Isn't it the day after tomorrow yet" :-D
Well... Actually you didn't drew your characters yourself... lol Anyway, its a nice begining! Keep on like this, develop the humor and then we'll have something interesting. ;-)