It's really good, and cute!!
i know it's not so good. i was trying to make something cute, you know.
It's really good, and cute!!
Very good ^_^
I love how people go commenting about something when they fail to realize other factors that make up the same thing... If they would just stop and think, 'you know maybe this isnt something that deserves a 1 or a 2 because not only did this person DESIGN the paint shop they PROGRAMMED IT' theres a little more work that goes into making something but the morons who call themselves people are to ignorant to think about that..... Very good, I enjoyed it. I drew stuff with no problem. I think you acheived the desired cute factor ^^ 9/10 easily.
not bad but...
i thought there would be things moving due to the fact the name has flash in it. its ok but nothing to wow over
A nice try but ultimately pointless.
This is nicely done but it lacks some much needed features such as a fill tool or the ability to save your work. Frankly this is just a reskin of MS paint.
Well I will give you props for making it look cute, but thats really the only good thing about this. If I wanted to make some drawings I could have just as easyiley done this with MS paint or some other similar program. If you through in a save option or let us keep the picture and edit it a bit then I would have givean this a better score, but like this the only thing it has going for it is the cuteness. Poor effort, poor submission.