Really creative idea!!!!
*btw level 3 is VERY HARD!!! But I beat it!
Hit the notes as they pass you. The first level is like a warm-up then get reddy for more interesting intense levels to keep you occupied.
Rock Out Contest Entry.
** To anyone out there with a wacom tablet, or any drawing tablet for that matter. I highly recommend that you play with it, It's pretty kickass.
Really creative idea!!!!
*btw level 3 is VERY HARD!!! But I beat it!
2nd song rocks
After playing this Test of Endurance(the 2nd song)is noa my favorite song of all time.
this rocks!!!!!
i don't care a damn that I can't get past level 2 this rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, could be better
The game isn't bad, but there is room for improvement. The music is pretty good, but it is too difficult. The bars seems to have no meaning, because I got the little glowing thing past what I assumed was the finish line many times on level three, yet each time it still said I failed.
The amount lost per note versus the amount gained when I note is hit, is out of balance. I understand wanted to make the game hard, but you don't want it to be too frustrating.
This could be a really good game if there were varying levels of difficulty, and the overall balance of the game was adjusted a bit :)
too easy. What happens when you die? btw I used a wacom table guit-style