needs work
it shakes, the music is bad and its boring
Krisddd was the original author, he was too lazy to upload it :/
needs work
it shakes, the music is bad and its boring
Overally a pretty good DDR flash
Overally this is pretty good DDR flash game but needs something...
2/5 because of the shaking when you get combo and etc.
Nice idea though but needs improvements
Not bad
A decent attempt at a good rhythm game. But I hate the way the screen shakes when ever I get a good combo.
Who is the original author anyway?
Shouldn't you atleast give us his name? The graphics were bad except for the bar thing with the sound. Black background and no credit to the original author. I'm okay wit him letting you submit it but a nice lil' mention would be nice on his part. I didn't really like it, no menu, got hard too quick, no glitches in the coding but everything else wasn't good. Keep trying and try to make your own, don't leech.
he doesnt want any credit, and his name is krisddd or krisdddd i forgot :/
but the world has enough gay DDR related games already