Pretty good.
Yeah, it's not the best flash I've ever seen, but I gotta say, that was pretty thoughtful of you. I think other flash artists should take after your example. Pretty good joke, too.
Something i made for meh dad for fathers day
Pretty good.
Yeah, it's not the best flash I've ever seen, but I gotta say, that was pretty thoughtful of you. I think other flash artists should take after your example. Pretty good joke, too.
as long as someone has some holiday spirit and will make a flash cuz he really cares 4 his dad is good enough 4 me!
Not bad I suppose... could work on the grammar though ;) (you're instead of your). And "father's day" would probably work better than "dad's day" :) I'm sure he loved it! Keep it up!
Pretty good i guess...
By the way at the end its Happy Father's Day not Happy Dad's Day.
And Barney is not spelled barnie. but! its pretty good other than that
andy griffith lolz
cool, nice yer celebrating fathers day. :-D good song 2.