to be onest i like it
well how can i spell it well ummm w e i r d but i like it never the less
Edit: Sound FX added!
MTCaptain: We were bored, we made this then laughed so hard that we had to submit it.
TheCriminalDuder: \/073 Z3|20! (Totally not reverse psychology... <.< >.>)
to be onest i like it
well how can i spell it well ummm w e i r d but i like it never the less
Lol... Weird, but good
This was a nice flash. I fell off my chair watching this, the reason I did not vote a 9 or 10 is because I agree with the person below me that it should be longer (don't get me wrong I really do like funny shorts) but was definitely worth getting through the portal. Good luck and make more flashes!
P.S. Nice sound pick!
Thanks, I am glad that someone can appreciate this flash for what it is and have a good laugh.
Sound, huh? Sound is good.
You guys need to focus on making longer entries, maybe adding some wit to the experience. Possibly flash featuring several animated shorts?
Read the "Authors Comments" part, we just did this for a laugh to ourselves and didn't even expect it to make it past the portal. If you view the other Duder entries you will find that they are much better quality. We are making our first official episode now and it is due to be portal-fied soon.
Nice hit there, great laugh.
Glad you liked it.
1337 101
20/\/\9!!! 7|-|47 \/\/45 1337 101!!!!!
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---translation 4 teh n00bz---
ZOMG!!! that was leet lol!!!!!
i laughed all teh time!!!! (that's not long)
Thankyou for your review.