Seriously the only funny part of it was looking in an online dictionary to find out what Schwanz Kopf means... I got a laugh out of that.
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Seriously the only funny part of it was looking in an online dictionary to find out what Schwanz Kopf means... I got a laugh out of that.
It was funny. Keep up the good work!
hmm, well your german is wrong
the german word for Germany is Deutschland, not Duetchland
and i'm not sure that "einsatsgruppen" is a real word
i don't speak german so don't chew me out for it
not interesting, very boring, overall just plain boring
einsatsgruppen- Natzi mobile killing units
Funny flash. I don't understand a word, but thats what makes it funny. It sounds so simmiler, yet diferent. My only problome is that I'm worried that i just approved some pro-natzi propaganda!