What is the purpose of this?
At first I thought you were trying to be clever and trip people up. I thought the idea was what it said on the tin - follow instructions, so that when it says, for example, "press on an object to drag it" and then immediately goes to "click on the Check Answer button" that meant you were supposed to click the button immediately... that was wrong.
So then I thought it's just a test of knowledge. Aside from the fact that it's pre-Kindergarten level easy... but then you couldn't even manage to get your own answers right. Case in point: question six has three correct answers among the options, but only one counts as correct. Don't believe me?
9 / 3 = 3 (Divisible by 3.)
18 / 3 = 6 (Divisible by 3.)
39/ 3 = 13 (Divisible by 3.)
But you only counted 9 as correct.
And it took 2 people to make this too... the only explanation is that you guys just totally did not care at all.