It's OVER!!!!
I have seen all 11 episodes, and I am glad this show is over. The graphics were good but the show was dead from the 2nd episode. The story was lame (seriously u know this!). The jokes were stale (they did not make u laugh, then why should I?). In addition to a below average story/script/jokes I was further frustrated by that annoying intro music and the music when the history lessons go on. Seriously they annoy me. Man I really wish there could have been more of a story and a better sound-board/track and funny jokes.
Dude take your time with your flashes, take as much time as you need to think it out. You will find that if you think it out thoroughly you are capable of producing a blockbuster (C'mon it's better than spending time on 11 crappy episodes). I hope to see more of your work!!! :)