Nice Graphics
Good Graphics and music, but it looked like fishy but just simple collecting and no real twists. Maybe add ...hmm....laser beams too there heads ;)
It is essentially the same as before, but now I have added an instructions page directly after the start button is clicked (for you stupid people [just playin]). I have also added some music that I feel suits the game quite well. I certainly hope that you enjoy the game a lot better now that I have revised it. And P.S.: for those of you who took my joke seriously about kickin' you in the balls if you criticize me, (and believe me, from the review I recieved, people obviously took me seriously) learn to take a joke or burn in Hell. (See what I did right there? That was a joke)
Peace out
Nice Graphics
Good Graphics and music, but it looked like fishy but just simple collecting and no real twists. Maybe add ...hmm....laser beams too there heads ;)
not bad
i liked the gameplay, however you can get caught by the catfish 3 inches away from it.
also the fish always seem to go to the same area. i suggest that they randomize their path instead of the top or bottom of the stage.
Good, but needs work
it is in essence a game of fishy except with a predator that chases, i like that part of the idea, but the fish you control responds and moves too slowly for this game to be fun
not bad but that doesnt mean good
kinda fun but its so hard to move the highest score i got was 28 coins some advice 4 u make it easier to move
its good..... the idea is simple and its easy to understand........
there is no story, no reason, and no desirable objective
the cat fish is too fast (slow it down)
and the controls are so unresonsive that u have no chance of running away
try again......... in a few years.....