the graphics were okay, and the voice acting was pretty damn good, but i gotta tell you: the story didnt make any sense.
okay, shadow was the only one of his kind, so he was raised by the animals. obviously he didnt belong there, since hes human and the animals are... well, animals, but as soon as he found that "tribe", he must have felt differently. but instead, hes search for "belonging" suddenly turns into a search for "meaning" without indication in the story. like, from that point on, he tries to find the meaning of his life, but he doesnt quite manage to find it. whatever he does, it doesnt give him happiness, or anything for that matter. so in the end, he returns to the animals that have raised him, but instead finding "meaning", it suddenly changes back to "belonging", and instead of realizing he belongs to the animals who are his friends, there are suddenly all those weird-looking people and shadow feels he belongs to them. so on the simple story level, the plot doesnt work out at all.
the metaphors and everything are thought out, i mean, its not like the symbolism doesnt work, its just the plot itself which doesnt make sense. "meaning" is not the same as "belonging", but its all mixed up in the story.
also, i dont think this is neccessarily a story for children, as its pretty complex and this constant "whats the point" is more the teenage or grown up way.