very well animated but it is short!!!
It's short. Really short.
very well animated but it is short!!!
A bit short but not bad at all
i don't like it
Well for what you have presented here i have to say that it looks really good, the graphics for the cat and the bird were really well done and i thought the animation of the cat shaking and being punched were also good. It will be interesting to see more of this though, with a beginning to get us to the scene you have here because this is more like an ending to a flash. For a short movie it was both well drawn and funny though, so well done.
It was alright.
The animation was awesome. It was really good quality, and it seemed pretty funny. However, try putting in a preloader screen and make it longer. All this did was loop back to the beginning after it played itself. By the way, it was about 10-15 seconds long, and that is not very long. Make it longer please.