+ reasonable art- I liked the rows of black faces and the boat was OK
+ quite good animation- not much of it, nothing exciting but OK.
+ Ok lip sync- not great but it was there.
+ Naration all clearly spoken and easy to hear. BUT Not too much life in the naration- sounded just rather dull reading from a book. One section towards the end has an overlap of speech that needs sorting. Some background sounds BUT Could do with more with some a bit louder sounds to add drama. Possibly some theme music going faintly too, coming up a bit in volume to add to the action, like a cinema movie.
+decent length, sort of told a story- but...
- story rather weird. Didn't make much sense to me. I think we would have to know more about the characters and the circumstances to understand much about why people did and said what they did.
-Needed more info and stuff in the movie. It may have been OK for your presentation but I think it needed adapting for NG. It needs to have what you put in the notes put into the movie with some explanation of who/where/why before it starts
-Then a better, more complete finish with full credits, such as sound etc and maybe a More Info button and links to the author and stuff .
Take no notice of 1/10 reviews etc. The presentation of it was rather uninspiring and I can therefore understand how some of the crowd out there might find it boring but its good enough and shows the ability to do yet better. I know what it takes to put together all the sound, art, animation and naration- most of what is here isnt that good but it adds up to a proper story with everything in it, so you get 6/10.
Polished up along the lines I described, it could do a lot better.
Best Wishes,