Haha this one is funny ^^ so awesome!
Good movie!!
Edit: I put a scripted camera in it :)
Hey guys, this is my latest movie, I think you'll like it!
Vote fair
I hope you enjoy!
Haha this one is funny ^^ so awesome!
Good movie!!
Thank you! :D
Hahahaaaa lol awesome
You're funny man. You make awesome movies. Funny that u used Microsoft Mike lol, great idea. Awesome awesome awesome!!!
Thank you very much, I am glad you liked it :)
I will make more soon.
yeah this movie was so fucking good i wana fuck it yeah
helberd rules
me too, but halberd's is off my program for today.
Dude, I loved it !!!
It was so random. I love it
The voice of mike singing :P LOL
Omg you have to make more movies :D
I have made more movies, but they got blammed (dont know why)
But I'm going to sumit a new movie on pico day, together with my friend skope.
Thank you very much for your review ^^
thats good
that was so annoying but the ending was so funny
Thank you, The voice of the 'singer'? was microsoft mike :P
Thanks for your review