deep stuff...
I loved this flash. It is absolutely beautiful. The graphic, design, what with how you drew the characters helped to add a shading to the situation which drew darkness into the equation... (and of course darkness should be necessary when talking of the bleakest and darkest of all things, genocide) I also thought that the way that the man fell into a darkness spiral was an effect that was cheesy and overdone... I would have shown a scene of the little girls face, either that or just showing her torso or legs and showing two little tear droplets... That would have conveyed a deeper feeling of pain than a simple body spiriling into a darkness... Again, these are just opinions/tips, It's your flash. One other thing that i didn't like: When you show the train going to Auschwitz, You don't have the hypocritical sign "Arbeit macht frei" the whole "labor sets you free" thing. That would have been important in a flash such as this that is remembering the halocaust. It would have been a nice touch that sets a deeper meaning, if you will.
As it is, this flash is amazing. I realize the need to expose this to a wider audience. If people had known of the armenian genocide, perhaps then, the halocaust might never of happened. To the 1,150,025 views that is the metal gear awesome 2, and the 828 views here, when this serves much more important issues, this is unnacteptable. Tom should have put it on the frontpage, or something, you'know? but, unrelated. I realize this need, and so I will 5'ver you, fav you, and attempt to get this into the dramatic shorts section, cause that's where it belongs.
Mr. Moores, you did a fantastic job. I just wish that i was a little older, or had more mental capacity, or something, because i feel thta i missed many little things that where hidden symbols (kinda like the menorah extinguishing when the nazis walked into the synoggauge, symbolizing the lives of jews that were extuingished? and the dead man trying to stop the train, trying to save his daughter?
Very touching.