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Vina Bowling

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How to Play
1. It throws the drag printed style of writing ball with the mouth and.
2. The recording speed which will move the mouth quickly to be quick is position.
- Under (?ª?«) at the rate control and right and left (?©?¨) are [su] pin control.
3. The [su] the pin when round it turns the mouth.
4. There is a possibility of seeing the method which gives the [su] pin with HELP before game.
5. The direction [ha_ki_lo] bowling worker type which is to bowling worker right and left there is a honey possibility.
6. The tray [ning] the pin number which is on hour right side it will be able to control the presence of the click printed style of writing pin.

# 10 frame score problematic amendments (above ver 1.00)

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Look like another game that i played!
And I LOVE the design of the bowling ball!Escapply the earth,moon,neptune/uranus one!
Footbal,Basket ball,Beach Ball are good idea too!
Love the maniability!Trowing the ball with 2 hands!


cool one

that was a nice game. it took me nearly 50 tries to get a strike in this one with testing out different ball weights and figuring out how to control the ball, but it was still quite a bit of fun to play... nice to see a bowling game too... don't see too many bowling games here.

Aint bad..

This could be a good game if you change a few things. Make it so the ball goes a bit faster and possibly give it a bit of backround music. Like stuff you'd hear at a normal bowling alley. Other that that pretty good game.

Heh, not bad

While I have grown annoyed with the meteorite of bowling games on the internet, this one struck me as being unique. I liked the idea of changing the balls weight and feature (Earth, Moon, Soccer), but it didn't seem as if any feature had much of a difference except for size and speed (if that's one at all). Nevertheless, good work!

Credits & Info

4.52 / 5.00

Apr 17, 2007
4:51 PM EDT