I used to hate lamps too...
I liked the part where the lamp fell off the table, and the lil guy knew that he was fooked! It propa well showed me the error of my lamp breaking ways.
A young child lounges around the house bored trying to find something to do, unfortunatley the passtime he under takes does not find approval with his mother.
This was a short one week project I knocked out for college after spending too much time having fun instead of working.
Music and Animation by Daniel Hill.
I used to hate lamps too...
I liked the part where the lamp fell off the table, and the lil guy knew that he was fooked! It propa well showed me the error of my lamp breaking ways.
Very original. Nice animation, great concept, and nice sound. A classical flash indeed.
|| Good Points ||
*Great Sound
*Classic and Original
*Cute and Funny
|| Bad Points ||
*Graphics Could've been better.
Niiiceee ;D
I think it was cute, and the graphics were fine and clear too. Keep it up! :D
Nice movie but..
The ending ruined it for me. Ew.
Other than that, nice crisp animation.
The mum's nudity ruined it for me. I'm not a wowser (far from it ;) ), but damn man it just reminds me of a bad childhood memory at a mate's place.... (hammers nails into own head)
Im glad I reminded you of a time that causes you pain.