Stuff like this always makes me smile, nice job lol
The BB crew goes out and has a little fun.
Note: This isn't a movie with an epic plot so don't except much. =D
Edit: Preloader fixed. =C
Stuff like this always makes me smile, nice job lol
Really horrible. No storyline (?) and just not the type of flash i enjoy. Sorry.
Obviously you didn't read the description...Why did you bother watching ? Flashes don't have to have a storyline. I've read your mediocre reviews, and you should never write a review again, you're horrible. Take your 1.70 voting power somewhere else.
Ghost ride da whip!!
cool flash. Ghost ridin originated from the Bay Area of California. Thanks for reppin da bay. YEEEE!!!!
So did west coast Punk. Yay for the Bay.
That was weird!
That was just a little rassberry jumping out a car then hoppin back in. And then it repeats. Great drawing with the flash tools though.
Rock on
Its called ghost riding. You put the car in motion, jump out and than dance around it. Try it sometime.
theres nothing to it
its boring, bland and it needs more. You should play the whole song and like make a clock crew music video, because this looping is annoying and it dosent work
If I wanted to create a music video I would have done so. But that would have been boring and retarded. I couldn't find the full song so looping had to do. Again, the purpose wasn't to create a full length movie, just a short loop. Thanks for reviewing though.