This time the sound was a bit dodgy
try and d something
Otherwise v good as usual!
The gang get into a financial pickle, so Colin's off to find a jorb!
This time the sound was a bit dodgy
try and d something
Otherwise v good as usual!
reminds me of homestar but alot funnier!
this one was incredible!
especially the part with the pony review! i liked this one a lot... perhaps the previous few were a tad lacking in jokes and humour, but this one was quite entertaining!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
That was funny. NOt just funny! it was f****** funny! the people at readers digest was funny. colin was a crack up (ment to be amusing) I have no advice! you my friend are a genuis!
..the clock told the right time....!!!
"It's like something from the twilight zone!"