i never knew that ben afflek was in the war and if he was why didnt he die.
Episode 8 of 13 of this award winning series. The Hitmen are after Hollywood. Watch all the rest of the episodes, or you could be lost. Watch the LIVE ACTION adventures of the Hitmen at
i never knew that ben afflek was in the war and if he was why didnt he die.
Hearing Voldemort swear is always priceless. But watching Dumbledor eat pubic hair flavoured beans is FRIGGIN HILARIOUS.
That was just great.
Thankyou. XD
The only thing I seen that was cool was that little yellow puppet.
good job man
i like how u keep ur style consistent, but yah to improve just up ur graphics if that makes sense, it will take longer and be harder but ull be glad u did
i have no idea wut im talking about
Honestly, I'm torn cuz I really like my style, but I agree it could use some improvements. Plus, I do a new cartoon a week, so I gotta be able to make it fast and I can't spend too much time with the graphics. I spend more time writing than I do animating. I will try to figure out some new techniques. I know exactly what you are talking about ;)
Very impressive ... the only field to improve on here is the graphics which arent so bad ... very good animation though!