LOl great stuff!
how can that mix of violence and music not be fab?! great flash dude, keep up the good work and go kill that dude who was sl**ging you off in earlier reviews.....preferably with a large blade of some sort.....
Well after mushrooms was fired he got mad and didnt pay his Rents and started to kill people..ninjas...or whatever..just random killing stuff, have fun.
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LOl great stuff!
how can that mix of violence and music not be fab?! great flash dude, keep up the good work and go kill that dude who was sl**ging you off in earlier reviews.....preferably with a large blade of some sort.....
WOW thank dude ! i will surely kill him tonight, while he is asleep :D
Random works for once!
The way the humor is done, it reminds me of the random non-sensical animations I usually blam.
However, the good use of sound, great music choice and more then excellent flowing animation presented shows that even a lack of plot can't bring down this flash. Great humor too. I liked the green guys going across Poland.
No story required! Keep up the good animation.
Hey thanks! yea in the fourth i wont have story line neither, just randomly killing stuff, thx again :D
SS fag'o'vision in p1nk, just genious
LMFAO, i thought this was hilarious and well animated, no plot like most other things ive reviewed today .... xD but hella coolio this was teh Pwnt LAWL... I NEED SCISSORS 61!!!! lol the song went well with the flash.... i didnt particulary like it but it was good anyways
Keep it up!
lol thanks mang, i love you now :D