cool one
that was a pretty cool animation. a nice Tivo parody/animation, original concept to it and it was cool to watch. nice graphics, cool audio and it offered some cool entertainment.
Add: Sorry I forgot about a pre-loader, didn't think of it, don't really need it for class.
I had do make a advertisement for a product of my choice for my economic class. I was tired of making power points that are limited to what you can do and poorly quality animations sequences within the program. So I decided to make a flash after 2 years from stopping, its always good to dust off the old programs.
The flash is nothing great, its short, and it gets right to the point, I put just enough to get a good grade in the class. Anything is better then a damn power point.
Vote 5, thanks.
cool one
that was a pretty cool animation. a nice Tivo parody/animation, original concept to it and it was cool to watch. nice graphics, cool audio and it offered some cool entertainment.
Is this a commercial 4 TIVO?
I like the animation and stuff, but its 2 dark.
Very Informative, Great work
Hey man, sometimes non-violent and informative flash movies r great.
Nice work!
Almost but no cigar...
Personally I kinda liked this, although I don't like the idea of commerial ads as flash, but eh - work with what you can do.
Graphics- Pretty much solid. I feel like I'm watching a TiVo commercial...not the greatest feeling but not to many of these kind of flashes make me feel that way.
Style- REALLLY don't like commercial ads but this is pretty good.
Sound- Really good. Sounds pretty solid.
Humor- It reminded me of the Robot Chicken TiVo thing...
Overall: I gave this a 3/5. I think I was a little leanieant, but I kinda liked this. I really don't want to see anymore of these, but you have the talent, thats what matters. I hope what you can come up with more original stuff in the near future.
Not fantastic, not bad
"Pause Life TV" .... you may want to fix that
It was nice and I suppose it will do for a class, but I don't exactly think this is Portal worthy (then again a lot of crap gets through here).
Oh and some of the text effects were a bit annoying and over dramatic.