Shadow is super evil. Cool.
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After the journey of Sonic & Tails for Mario, they return to the earth to find something terrible, and Shadow was waiting for them.
Discober new secrets and emerge new questions in this Wrath of Shadow Episode!
The Adventure is only starting!
Shadow is super evil. Cool.
Good stuff.
It got pretty interesting when Shadow came around but then got kinda confusing later after but i suppose that is later in the series that it will make sense,nice episode.
Yeah, this episode is REALLY CONFUSING I must admit, and that wasn't the idea ^^; but well, it seems like people is starting to understand in later episodes, anyway, I was thinking of making a game about the first three episodes explaining MORE DETAILED the story and the confusing important stuff
There are WAY too many dialog mistakes, the storys gettin good tho.
I know I know ^^;
I wasn't so good actually at english, anyway now I have a friend that corrects my grammar errors :P
A the previous episodes
The episodes are not getting better. Try finding new animation techniques.
I also wanna say that something in this didn't make ANY sense.
Shadow said he didn't remember anything, but right before that, he asked Sonic why he didn't kill him.
Plz give me an answer, cause that looked really stupid.
Anyway. I like your videos, just..........not so very much.
Yeah, quiality was going down because I gone into a rush to release more and more episodes but I have already fixed it, if you watch new episodes you'll notice it right away.
I know that was REALLY STUPID, I would change it if I could but I don't have the .fla anymore.
Really good.
But you might want to get a better Tails drawing. Good music choice though.
thankyou, the tails thingy looks different because I did the others some time before and this one I made it in kind of a rush